It occurs to me that I don’t think I’ve ever read a book set in Yorkshire before. Is there a dearth of Yorkshire authors? Is it cultural – do they get kicked in the ear if they try to publish a story? Or technological – if they sit down at a keyboard does it send electric shocks up their fingers until they submit? Or is it that there are loads of Yorkie writers and books set there, and I am a human dumpling who simply hasn’t read them? Oh god, it’s the last one, isn’t it? As a means of rectifying this minor patheticism, I picked up Elmet by Fiona Mozley. It’s set in West Riding of Yorkshire, where the kingdom of Elmet used to be in ye olde times(e). It’s very much in the present day, but the significance of Elmet as a sort of ‘badlands’ tees up the theme of the book well. Elmet follows a man called John and his children, Cathy and Daniel, through Daniel’s eyes. John is a professional fighter, revered and feared throughout the country for his strength and ability. He's...
A year of reading 100 books by women. All donations go to Refuge.